Graffiticode as Bricolage


Bricolage is the process of making things from found materials. Graffiticode aspires to be a disparate collection of things, components and apis, that can be glued together to make bigger, more complex things. The bricoleur need not know how to make the component parts (or even how they are made), but rather needs only to assemble them into a useful and/or aesthetic object.

This is a magical “hardware” store Bazar Des Ecoles in the 5th arrondissement in Paris. It can’t be much more than 400 square feet (123 square meters) inside and it has as much inventory of a good size Ace Hardware store in America. It is so dense that more often than not you’ll need help finding what you are looking for. And even if you find what you are looking for, there are five other variations of the same out of sight.

More important than how much stuff it contains, is how diverse the inventory is. Unlike said Ace Hardware, it has a dizzying array of SKUs available (as you can probably see from the pictures here.)

This is a key quality Graffiticode should aspire to.

What if Graffiticode was this kind of a store?

You are an end-user programmer that needs a software piece. You go to Gc first to see if it is there. Nine times out of ten it is there.

If it is not there you task the owners if they can get it for you. Nine times out of ten they will.

But if not, they probably know where you can find it.

If what you buy is a component, then you pay for it once like you would for a spatula at Bazar Des Ecoles.

If you buy api calls, then you pay for what you use as you would for what you eat down the street at the bistro La Petite Périgourdine.

Oh, and if you store your stuff there and hang out to do work there, you pay for the time you spend there as you would around the corner at the co-working space Nuage Café.

That is Graffiticode in one Parisian block.